Broken Dreams
"The Man I Always Wanted To Be"
The Story of James Dupree
Follow the Journey of James Dupree's eminent domain battle in this feature documentary, Broken Dreams, as he fights to retain his massive art studio in Mantua, West Philadelphia. In 2011, as two major universities slowly push their way through the Mantua community with student housing, urban planning and gentrification, his art studio was in jeopardy after the city seized his deed via eminent domain proceedings.
The documentary was produced and filmed from 2012 through 2016 and documents Dupree’s story and fight with the city of Philadelphia.

Parkway Central Library Presents...
Documentary Screening of Broken Dreams: James E. Dupree
Join us on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 at 2PM for a free screening and post film discussion with Philadelphia artist James E. Dupree in the Montgomery Auditorium. 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia PA